The Interactive Unplugged Block-Based Algorithm (IUBBA, pronounced eye-YOU-buh) Puzzle leverages block-based computational thinking training models and brightly coloured manipulatives to enhance computer science education. 

Educators can use them to bridge the gap between unplugged computer science activities and on-screen block-based coding practice puzzles. IUBBA Puzzle

The blocks emulate onscreen puzzles and allow children to work together to learn or reinforce foundational computer science skills, including sequencing, loops and events.

More puzzle pieces are in development for teaching nested loops, conditional statements and more. 

The IUBBA puzzle is also valuable teaching tools for building core computational thinking skills such as deconstruction, pattern recognition, and algorithm building.  They can be used on table tops or on magnetic boards. 

Home-based educators can keep them on the fridge door.  The perfect answer to building children’s computational thinking abilities while striking a healthy balance between onscreen and offscreen learning time, the IUBBA Puzzle fosters collaborative learning and sparks creativity in primary and secondary school children alike.  

Rashida V Serrant-Davis