
Here’s how you can make this happen

Feel free to choose more than one of the options below for greater visibility for yourself and your brand


Your contribution will help cover the cost of outreach, graphic design, printing and event coordination. Your business name becomes part of the event title. Have your business featured prominently on all promotional activities and at every event venue nationwide.

1 sponsor @ $10,000.00



Have your name placed larger at the top of all event promotions and at every event venue as a Main Sponsor. You will be mentioned in my opening address and all advertising and media interviews. See below for opportunities to sponsor at this level.



Sponsor an Hour of Code Event: These will be held at innovation hubs around the country with permission from the Digital Transformation Project. Target attendance: 15 persons per event, 90 persons in total. Various events will target different age groups. Have your name/business prominently displayed at the event venue and included in all media promotions. – 6 sponsors @$675.00 or 1 Main Event Sponsor for all 6 events @$4,050.00 (see recognition above)

Sponsor an Advocacy Session: Two advocacy sessions targeting parents, teachers and other community stakeholders will raise awareness about the importance of Computer Science Education for Dominica’s future. Have your name/business prominently displayed at the event venue, included in all media promotions and mentioned in the opening address of the event you sponsored. – 2 financial sponsors @$1,800.00, 2 food and beverage sponsors providing snacks and local juice for 60 persons OR 2 Session sponsors (including refreshments) @$3000.00 (Main Event Sponsor Level, see recognition above)



Sponsor a Newspaper Ad: We will run one half page full colour newspaper ad to promote Computer Science Education Week.Have you name and logo prominently displayed in the ad and included in all media promotions. – 1 sponsor @$500.00

Sponsor a Week of Radio Ads: We will run ads on 2 radio stations to raise awareness about Computer Science Education and the upcoming events. Have your name announced as sponsor every time the ad runs and included on the banner, flyers, and posters.

– 4 sponsors @$400.00 or Radio Ad Campaign Sponsor @$1,600.00


With your help, we can raise awareness about the paramount importance of Computer Science Education to the future of the Commonwealth of Dominica.


Contact me on 315-7919 (not available on WhatsApp), or email me at I’d love to meet you and talk more about the possibilities for the best and brightest of this region’s children! 

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